Celebration Gifts

A special way to honor someone that you love is to make a gift to WYES in their honor. Gifts can be made to celebrate a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, special achievement) or in memory of your loved one. In appreciation of this gift, WYES will:

  • Send a special acknowledgment to the person/family that you specify.

WYES gratefully accepts memorial gifts. As you make your estate plans, consider naming WYES as the preferred recipient of memorial gifts. In appreciation of Memorial contributions, WYES will:

  • Send a special acknowledgment to the person/family that you specify.
  • Acknowledge the gift in DIAL12, the WYES program guide contained inside of New Orleans Magazine (optional – unless donor requests no public acknowledgement.)


WYES President & CEO Robin Cooper at (504) 486-5511 x 294 or by email at rcooper@wyes.org.